Maternity, Newborn, or Both? The Investment is Priceless.
July 7, 2022

As a photographer, I often receive inquiries from previous couples that I've captured their wedding, about whether to opt for a maternity session, a newborn session, or perhaps both. While each choice holds its own significance, if I may be candid, my inclination is to say, "Go big or go home." Now, I don't actually verbalize this, but I encourage individuals to envision what feels right to them and what is feasible. If you're considering capturing these precious moments, you're on the right track. However, there's a little voice in the back of my mind that urges, "Do it all!" And not because it means more sessions for me.

from the miraculous journey of pregnancy to the euphoria of meeting your little one, from sleepless nights to joy-filled days of watching them grow, the early stages of parenthood can blur together until suddenly your child is sitting up, or taking their first steps. Time flies by in an instant. That's why capturing these moments becomes invaluable.

The months of pregnancy mark a fleeting chapter in the grand scheme of your life, where your body undergoes remarkable transformations month after month. In those initial weeks of your baby's life, they are so tiny that it's hard to fathom. Each milestone, each step of their development, deserves to be documented, cherished, and revisited. You, as a new parent, navigating this surreal period of discovery, growth, and self-discovery, deserve to be in the photos. You are an integral part of the memories.

I urge parents to consider capturing it all — the journey from pregnancy to parenthood. Don't hesitate to include a photoshoot on your registry or holiday wish list. Perhaps, in those late-night moments of contemplation, hold back on impulsive purchases and prioritize preserving these once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Trust me when I say that, in the future, you'll never regret this decision as much as you might regret a fleeting, impractical purchase made during a sleep-deprived moment.

Make the choice to invest in documenting this precious time — a time you'll look back on with all your heart when you're fifty or older. These photographs will serve as cherished reminders of the miraculous journey you embarked upon, the remarkable growth of your child, and the love that enveloped your family during these transformative months. Let someone from the outside come in and capture these invaluable moments, allowing you to be fully present and actively participating in the memories that will last a lifetime.

Choosing to capture the entire journey of pregnancy and parenthood through maternity and newborn sessions is an investment in treasured memories. As time swiftly passes, these photographs become priceless keepsakes, allowing you to relive the awe-inspiring moments of your life as a new parent. So, embrace the opportunity to document your story, include it in your registry, or prioritize it on your wish list. Trust me, the decision to capture these irreplaceable moments is one you'll cherish forever. Let the snapshots speak volumes, preserving a chapter of your life that deserves to be remembered with all your heart.

Invest in memories that will stand the test of time.

Location: Mint Room, Toronto

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